Butche and Tona away from the boys.

Click here for the complete photo essay.
Tom & Tona To the South Ya'll
Deals Gap
Jaws Place
Homeward Bound
Sun Set
Dixie, we love ya.
2124.8 Miles Later

Disclaimer: The name WEASELS USA and the Logo of a Weasel associated with a motorcycle is a registered trademark. The WEASELS are a SOCIAL ORGANISATION not a MOTORCYCLE CLUB. The name Weasels USA and the logo is a registered trademark. The use of the name, logo or any combination thereof without written authorization is prohibited in the states of Nevada, California, Oregon, Montana, Louisiana, Colorado, Wisconsin and Tennessee. Wyoming is pending. For information on the use contact Wayne Springmeyer, wezzl@juno.com

The information contained within was stolen without the permission of the Grand Weasels.

Weasels : A drinking club with a Motorcycling Problem.